November 17, 2023

Step-by-step guide to creating your Facebook Business Page

Scott Miller

Over the years we’ve helped a lot of businesses create their very first Facebook Business Page. The steps are fairly simple but there are some very important tips we like to give our clients that keep them from making common and avoidable mistakes. We decided to create this step-by-step guide or “Blueprint” as we like to call it, for creating a Facebook Business Page where we will cover (almost) every detail including our own free tips. Let's get started!

First, you need to be logged into your personal Facebook account. Facebook requires every business page to be linked to a personal Facebook account, but don’t worry all the information such as posts, comments, photos, updates etc. will always be separate. Your business page followers will not be able to see what you post on your personal profile unless you are friends or you have very open privacy settings. At the same time, your personal posts will not appear on your business page unless you manually share them between pages.

You can’t make a business account without a personal account, they are very connected. The reason for this is, that if you manage several Facebook business pages you don’t have to continuously log in and out of accounts but you can simply switch back and forth between profiles.

Create New Page:

  • Go to Pages then Create New Page
  • Insert page name which would be your business or organization name (this can be changed later if needed).
  • Select your business/organization category. (If you can’t find your exact category find the closest thing to it, it’s not the most important detail.
  • White a simple, concise and engaging bio (the limit is 92 characters so keep that in mind when crafting your bio)
  • Writing a bio is technically optional but is critical for a complete and professional Facebook page so we highly encourage you to write something.

Contact Information:

  • Enter your website, if you do not have a website we suggest you get one made for you or create a simple landing page on a website such as Squarespace.
  • Phone number: Entering a phone number is optional depending on how you would like your followers to contact you. If you do not have a business phone number and you don’t want to put your personal phone number down, we suggest getting a number one Whatsapp or another app. This is something you can change down the road.
  • Email: Email is NOT optional,  you must have an email, if you do not have a professional business email that House Creative has given you, then PLEASE make one. Do not use a personal email from high school or college. Keep your business and personal separate from the beginning and it will make your life easier.
  • If you have a business location then enter it here. If you do not then you can leave this part blank. Don’t put your personal address down unless you are running a business out of your home and clients need to drive to your address. You can put your city down without an address.
  • Hours: This is optional and completely depends on what type of business you run. It is okay to select “No hours available” and it will not affect your page quality.
  • Profile Picture: This NEEDS to be your business/organization logo. Do not put a picture of you, or you and your spouse, or your pet. This needs to be a high-resolution logo to showcase your business; after all, this is a business page. ← This is one of the common mistakes we mentioned.
  • The cover photo is a little more flexible. It’s ideal to keep your cover photo minimalistic and something with your logo on it to start. If you starting a hair salon maybe don’t put a picture of a wheat field. You can also use a photo of yourself on a nice background. Remember to change your cover photo every couple of months.
  • Action Button: This option is completely based on the type of business you run. Options are: Book Now, Sign Up, Start Order, View Shop, Get Tickets, Send Message, Send WhatsApp Message, Call Now.
  • A good option to start with is Send Message so at least there is a call to action and you can set up a new Action Button later after you have completed your profile. If a potential customer clicks Send Message it will send you a message to your Business account on Messenger.
  • Connect WhatsApp to your page: this is where you would enter your WhatsApp phone number if you have one.

Your profile picture NEEDS to be your business/organization logo.

Build your Page Audience:

You're almost done! Now the fun can begin. This is where you will invite your friends from your personal page to like your page. Invite as many as you want (if not all) to get a good boost to your newly made page audience.

Your profile should now be active and public. Now it’s time to start posting. Let the world know who you are and what you offer!

A few other things:

  • Page notifications on your profile: If selected, this means you will also get your business notifications on your personal Facebook page. This is completely up to you and how you would like to organize your personal and business life.
  • Marketing and promotional emails about your page: Once again, this is completely optional and dependent on whether you think this would be helpful to you and how many emails you like going to your inbox.

Profile Picture: The recommended resolution size is 720 x 720 pixels and should be in JPG format.

Cover Photo: The recommended size is 851 x 315 pixels and should also be in JPG format.