December 9, 2023

Reflecting on the past 5 years

Five years ago we started House Creative in our home with nothing but our laptops and a passion for two things; design and helping people.

Angie Miller

Five years ago this month Scott and I started House Creative. We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. Our firstborn was 2 months old and we knew I didn’t want to go “back to work”. I wanted the ability to work from home to have flexible hours so that I could still be a mostly “stay-at-home mom”. We wanted to have the ability to always put our family's needs first and the best option for all of this to happen was to put our entrepreneurial personalities to work! We were both very creative, artistic individuals and saw a need we felt we could meet. People needed help with establishing their businesses online, and we had just the amount of crazy to help them. As I said, we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into, but we picked a name, got it registered and then pretty much got to work! It was slow going at first but Scott was incredible at networking (he still is) and soon we had some work to add to our portfolio.

We started House Creative because we saw so much need for our services, especially in churches and small businesses. We saw an opportunity to use our combined skills to be a power team to help our community. We didn’t realize the challenges we would face—the true challenge of the feast-or-famine lifestyle as new entrepreneurs. We didn’t quite realize the sacrifices we would have to make, and the constant burden of having to make “one more sale”. But despite the challenges, we wouldn’t trade these experiences for the world. They are what have grown us into the creative business owners we are today.

Our humble beginning started in a small Village called Mortlach (where House Creative started) where we worked out of our home. After getting some office space in Moose Jaw we decided to move there to escape the 30-minute drive we were facing every day. We finally landed in Saskatoon where we plan on staying for the foreseeable future. We have added two more children to the Miller clan as well as a cat and a chihuahua. We have grown in size but also in experience and maturity as business owners.

These days Scott and I split our time between our church ministries and House Creative. Though we're busy and there are still bumps along the way, we have never been happier. We don’t claim to be perfect, we know we have a lot more learning to do. Entrepreneurs should always be learning and growing. We are hopeful for what the future holds for our family and for House Creative. We will continue to show up as our authentic selves with a passion for helping others tell their stories through beautiful design.

We are so blessed and thankful for everyone who has supported us these last five years. Clients, family, friends, and partners, everyone who has believed in us has helped us persevere and grow as a business, a family, and as creative people. Thank you, and we love you.